Design is proof of concept,
not merely decoration.

Why Typeo and not Typo? Because it is what it says it is.

There is a lot of talk about transparency, but shouldn't business have always been conducted that way—with honesty and an open conversation? I believe in working with people who are passionate about what they do everyday. For me, it is about creating designs that are organic, yet structured. Simple, but energizing. Smart, without hitting you over the head. It must contain beautiful type. And if it can bring a smile to your face, then it has done its job effectively. The following pages represent a sampling of my work over the past twenty years. I hope you find something you enjoy.

Portfolio Highlights:

I once heard: “Go faster by yourself, or farther with others.” Community building and collaboration are crucial. Because it does after all, take a village.


I believe the test of a good logo is if you can draw it effectively in the sand, and it still communicates the same message as if it were printed.


A few high notes.


Everyone deserves access to high-quality health care. Center the under-served, and only then can we will all begin to thrive.


“I think it’s a combination of the type, with illustration and photography.” — Fred Woodward